To Digg, Or Not To Digg

To Digg Or Not To DiggIf you remember in my last post, I’m in the process of setting up accounts with all the major social networking and social bookmarking sites in order to become familiar (which shouldn’t take long) with the functionality, and more importantly how each service differs from the next. Are we all familiar with the name Yaro Starak… Yes?  No?  Anyways, I’ve known of Yaro and his huge nest of hair for a while, and I recently finished reading, watching, and mildly studying his Blog Profits Blueprint program – which is free – an absolute must for anyone even considering making money online.

One thing Yaro stresses through his content is the importance of social networking and multimedia as primary mediums for marketing and promoting a blog.  This is where sites like YouTube, Facebook, Myspace, Digg, StumbleUpon, or the virtual crackpot Twitter come in to play.

How you ask?  Here’s how it goes:

  • You sign up for accounts with 3-5 popular social networking and social bookmarking sites
  • You slowly build a network of peers, mentors and enemies by visiting other blogs and leaving comments, adding friends with similar interests, digging, tweeting, stumbling, whatever…
  • The more active you are on social networks, the more attention is put towards you.
  • Funnel that traffic to a content rich, fully monetized, well designed blog and you have yourself a winner.

Here’s another doozy for ya – what do you do with that traffic when it hits you?

Unfortunately that part is not as simple.  If you’re running a blog rather than a static website, the two factors you want from your traffic is participation and action, or…


It’s great I know. 🙂

It’s a proven fact that social networking can bring hoards of potential people to a blog, and though it seems challenging to maintain multiple accounts with consistent activity, I feel the biggest challenge will be converting that traffic into long term subscribers and top commentators.  I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve clicked through a link to a blog and landed on a poorly designed, ad-filled site with garbage content.  Would any of us consider bookmarking a crappy blog with nothing resourceful?  Heck no.

Before I go, If any of you haven’t read Yaro Starak’s Blog Profits Blueprint just click here and fill in your first name and email address.  You will get an email with a link to the video, audio, and PDF version.  I suggest reading the ebook one time through, then maybe moving on to the condensed video or audio version.  You have nothing to lose, and PLENTY to gain.  Thank me later.

I will be keeping our site updated as I go through my experimental stages with social networking and social bookmarking.  I look forward to your feedback and experiences.



One thought on “To Digg, Or Not To Digg”

  1. Hey Elijah
    By day I’m an Executive Recruiter and I can say that a powerful network is ESSENTIAL to achieve any real success in ANY industry. Even if you work on a farm in the middle of Nowhere, USA there is still a network of professional farmers that share government, industry, trade, horticultural and veterinary science information, workforce information, you name it.
    I’ve heard you mention the music business before and I would bet that networking applies there as well.
    I’ve only been blogging for a short time so I think I’m going to take your suggestion and spend some time plugging into the “Matrix”.

    Thanks for the advice.


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