Monday At The Office With Elijah

In the words of Freddie Taylor, Greetings Blog Family – If you recall a little while back SuiteJ did a video post about his home office, and certain things he has laying around to keep him inspired – so I decided to give you guys a little inside scoop of my world, and my office/studio where I do all of my online work.  It’s important to have an office environment filled with tokens and mementos of inspiration – whether it be vinyl records or the latest Sound On Sound magazine.  On that note, it’s also important to be comfortable in your office, especially if you’re spending 10-16 hours a day in it.

I shot this video first thing this morning when I woke up, and made sure everything was untouched so you get a good idea of exactly what my working environment is like!



19 thoughts on “Monday At The Office With Elijah”

  1. Thanks so much for the link to “Big E’s Anti-Fungal Remedy”. I knew you were sending me a link, but I didn’t realize it was your own product. I’m curious though….why is it shipping from Malaysia?

    Your cat’s a perv man. I can’t believe she did that to Joe while he was stuck on the kitchen floor all vulnerable like that.

    Anyway, thanks for lettin’ us in man!

    SuiteJs last blog post..Beyond The Basics Of Website Flipping

  2. Nice one bro !

    I loved two things – “mail flaming bag of dog to shit JC’s office”, and lol man those bills, WTF ?

    BTW, this gave me a great idea, but it needs some money investment – “Blogger Cribs” – this would be awesome. Make a site where people could actually watch offices and houses of popular and not so popular bloggers. I think I should put this in my “to do” list.

    Anyway mate, good video, loved the stuff you got there !


    The Moneyac

    TheMoneyacs last blog post..Looking good…

  3. @Ben – Yeah Boi! you keep them big dogs on their feet man!

    @TheMoneyac – that’s a great idea bro! taking it a step further.. if you could find an investor (preferably a millionaire pro-blogger) than you can fly out to all the “crib locations” with a crew and actually do it up proper. Great idea!

    @Freddie – absolutely man, we need to get it popping on the phone or something, I can’t hit skype up during the day – too many people start messaging me!!!!

    Elijahs last blog post..Monday At The Office With Elijah

  4. OK … that was funny! Joe … don’t you feel violated?! LOL … the blogger cribs would be funny! But don’t show up here right now … mine so messy I heard my kids saying, “We should do the dishes for mommy cause she’s trying to be Blogging Idol” … that = BIG MESS! That’s sad … almost over though and definitely worth it. If I had the money I’d finance you guys (starting with that pack of bills dude! LOL) Thanks for the SmiLe *huGs* Suzanne

    Suzanne Francos last blog post..Blog Contest/Drawing Launches Today ~ Over $2,000 in Prizes!

  5. @Suzanne – Thanks for stopping by! Joe hasn’t caught this post yet to realize the violation from the cat, and myself tossing him on the floor like that. lol. Veronica and I have a severe challenge of keeping the place tidy – but just the other day my cousins called and said they were stopping by unexpectedly, and we cleaned the entire apartment in 20 minutes flat – we were both sweating pretty heavily afterwards!

    @Dennis – I am a man of the earth! If I had my way we’d all be living off the grid supplying our own energy, shoes optional.

    Elijahs last blog post..Monday At The Office With Elijah

  6. I just want everyone to know….me and Shandy have an understanding…..don’t judge me! 🙂

    Thanks for the inside look man…yall gonna make me do an inside look, maybe in the new year I may let yall see what goes on when Joe get’s busy on the net! Yall know my office is right next to my kitchen right? Of course you did

    Keep it movin E…them bills will be gone soon son!

    Normal Joes last blog post..Are You Cashing In On The Holiday Traffic? If Not What Are You Waiting For?

  7. @Joe – Haha.. I was waiting for you to get around to watching the video! Shandy’s gotta a thing for them Kansas dudes! It makes sense why you first started implementing the daily sponsor, cause all you gotta do is lean over to the fridge and be inspired.

    @Dan – Yeah, I haven’t been using my whiteboard as much lately because of the computer sitting in front of it, but it’s definitely a must have in regards to keeping things organized.

    @Michael Henry – Selling your desk on ebay eh? lol, interesting concept! I would say that I actually work in my office/studio 50% of the time.. I often find myself on the couch or in the kitchen with the laptop.

    Elijahs last blog post..Monday At The Office With Elijah

  8. Hi
    Glad to see I am not the only one with a pile of unpaid bills on one side.
    I have visited grave of Jim Morrison in Paris, the parks police patrol it constantly to stop people making out on it.
    Loved the idea of the 4 hour work week.
    Oh and the background music.

  9. @Lorne – feel free to make as many live attempts as needed! On my end it looks like more comments, and that’s awesome.

    Visiting Jim’s grave is on my list of things to do before I have kids. I can’t remember what I was playing through the speakers in the background.. i think it was The Bill Evans Trio – Live at the Montreaux Jazz Festival… i think!

    Elijahs last blog post..All Sales Pages Suck Ass

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