Alright – this is going to be really straight forward.
There are lot’s of updates coming up with Facebook – pretty epic stuff. The main three areas I’m concerned with are Facebook Pages.
Changes To Facebook Pages
Photos – Everyone’s noticed this change to personal profiles, and now pages – photos that are tagged as well as most recent additions will be seen in thumbnails across the top of your pages main content area.
Navigation – Next up, we have a major change for marketers (in my opinion) – Facebook as taken the “tabs” which use to be where the new image thumbnails are, and moved your tab navigation to below your profile picture and description etc… I guess us marketers got carried away (ha!).

Wall Filters – Next up, you can now choose to show the top posts from your page, or posts from everyone, on your Page wall. Most popular on your wall vs. most recent in chronological order – the choice is yours and can be toggled if you click on the Most Recent link below the featured thumbnails.

Admin View – This is MASSIVE! Finally you can use Facebook as your Page. Add comments on your fans walls, like and share content as your page, get notifications when people interact with your content etc.. This is huge for online marketers because we can now actively promote the page and engage people in a very personal way.

New Settings – Despite what people may believe, Facebook has worked really hard over the last few years to give it’s users more control over how their content is displayed on pages. You can now edit the order of your “liked” pages in the left sidebar area of your page, as well as featured users etc. More control for marketers to align themselves with other power users on Facebook.
Facebook Changes For Designers
If you’re a design junkie and like customizing fan pages (me) then there is a HUGE update coming regarding the degradation of the FBML app/tabs and the mass switch over to iFRAME.
This is great, overall. It means that with some coding knowledge, one can now embed almost ANY website or content into their Facebook Page. March 11th is the big day.
Anyways – that’s the latest with Facebook. Visit the links below for more info.
Click here for more on the Facebook Pages iFRAME update.
Click here for the latest updates for mobile users.
Click here for more on the changes to Facebook comments.
How are these changes affecting you?
Thanks again for more great info, and on this new and important change from Facebook. I’m digging the new iFrame pages, great for the Niche Marketing stuff you know what I mean???
Site remodel too huh?
Thanks for the post,
@Larry – Hey man! To be perfectly honest, I’ve yet to build a new iframe fan page.. But I’ve already got the tools over at… by far the best for custom tabs. The iframe is going to be awesome.
I predict a huge wave this summer of people building awesome WordPress themes specifically for facebook tabs, and iframe integration… there are already a few tools floating around the warrior forum…
Ahem… New design indeed! Technically you’re the first to comment on the newly designed site, so congrats! Sorry I don’t have a prize.. lol.
The iFrame is going to make a great opportunity to do some killer affiliate marketing, and the custom pages for friends or “Liked” vs the not “liked” yet, IE a different page for people that have liked or not liked yet. I’ve delved into the iFrame pages about half way so far, but I’m off on another track right now. Gotten get it finished and check out all the stuff I an do with it. But if you’ve ever tried to post a link to a wall with an affiliate link, a lot of times it won’t allow it do to “Spam” controls on facebook. Such as Face Book Theme stuff (PageRage). I think FaceBook is becoming a little more tolerant of affiliate marketers, but I could be wrong. Yeah new theme is nice and clean.
@Larry – Some good points indeed. Whether or not they’re becoming friendlier to marketing, I guess we’ll see in time! Either that or they’ve just accepted the fact that we (online marketers) will ALWAYS find a way 🙂
This changes are awesome…
Its getting easier and easier to manipulate with pages on facebook what makes you loose less time on social network…
itsa great new, thanks for sharing.
@Winx – Thanks for stopping by! You couldn’t have said it better – the changes have really made things easier (if you know what you’re doing)