Friday Update With Veronica

Hi all,

Just thought I’d pop in and say “Hello” . . . It’s been a while, but I’m still around.Β  I’ve been working hard and trying to stay on top of things.

Elijah has been encouraging me to do a video post, which to be honest makes me nervous, (I don’t like the sound of my own voice) so I thought I’d give it a shot when he wasn’t home and couldn’t make me laugh. πŸ™‚

Stay classy,


20 thoughts on “Friday Update With Veronica”

  1. Nothing to worry about with the voice. Although I am a sucker for the sweet American accent. When I was out there and a waitress would say you’re welcome I almost melted πŸ˜‰

    Clog Moneys last blog post..Wow so busy!!

  2. P.s Elijah I’ve a couple of suggestions for you mate. The first rather than just making blogs and flipping them why not create a service where people can hire you to make these blogs.

    Secondly: You’ve had enough success that you could easily create a simple e-book and sell this on a site like the warrior forum in their offers section. Trust me I’ve just done this and it really works.

    Hope you don’t mind these suggestions they just popped into my head!!

    Clog Moneys last blog post..Wow so busy!!

  3. @jarret – thanks for the encouragment! it does suck, but you’re right, it does need to be done. and what better time then now? the plan is that it becomes another layer to the working from home thing we’re trying to do.

    @clogmoney – thanks! i think it’s funny that you’re a sucker for our “accents” (or lack there of) and we’re a sucker for yours!

    @underblogger – study and work, i feel like that’s all i do. but it seems to be necessary while elijah is managing all the web stuff. hopefully when things balance out, i’ll be able to contribute more regularly πŸ™‚

    @themoneyac – hopefully i’ve succeeded in putting a face to the name. and also proved my existence . . .

    @tara @ home business blog – i look forward to having a little more time to relax. i like being busy but it can be so exhausting! thanks for the kind words πŸ™‚

    Veronicas last blog post..Friday Update With Veronica

  4. Hey, no problem. You should post more videos, I can say that I enjoy looking at you more than I do Elijah πŸ˜‰

    Btw, I found your blog last night! I know that you are busy but I think you could do pretty well if you started posting even once a week. People are always wanting to know how to decorate their homes.

    Jarrets last blog post..How To Change Your Blog’s Header Image

  5. There you are V!!! Whattya talkin’ about, your voice is great!

    Being exhausted is actually a “good excuse”, so don’t worry about it. We were worried that Elijah was “The At Home Single” and made up the whole “V thing”, so even one video post will keep us going for now. You go work and study girl!

    Looking forward to meeting you when you come here to Vancouver!


    SuiteJs last blog post..Website Flipping: Outsourcing 101

  6. @Jarret – I’m working toward being able to manage my own blog. The issue right now is that i want to be able to do it on my own and it just takes too much time because I’m still learning. I wish there were more hours in the day sometimes! I will definitely let everyone know when I get it up and running . . .

    @Carrie – I agree Elijah’s sites look awesome, I always question whether we should be selling them at all. Defeats the purpose of building them, but I tend to become attached.

    @SuiteJ – Thanks dude. πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to come visit! One of my best friends just moved out there, so there seem to many great reasons to head west!

    Veronicas last blog post..Friday Update With Veronica

  7. @ SuiteJ – Only prickly on top of your scalp.

    @ Yan – The show is this upcoming Thursday, and the entire night including performances will be shot in HD, so I will have loads of footage to link to you guys!

    Elijahs last blog post..Friday Update With Veronica

  8. Yay! You’re not just photoshopped! πŸ™‚ Sorry that took so long, but it was the first chance I had to watch the video without being interrupted, and I didn’t want to comment without watching first.

    I totally get the exhausted part since I do the same (full time day job and at home work) but without the schooling part. And I think that’s awesome that you still take the time out for fund raising (definitely a worthy cause) with everything else that you’ve got going on. Gudonya!

    Elijah- I second Clog Money. If someone hires you to build a blog for them, you usually won’t have to do all the keyword research, or you’ll have a jumping off point which will mean less time doing research, and less time doing the sale. No pitch page or anything. And you can charge for the extras such as the MySpace pages and Squidoo pages (or send ’em to me for that). You can ask the buyers of your blogs if those sites can be used as examples as well. You do great work, so with a little marketing, I think you could make out.

    WordVixens last blog post..No, I Haven’t Forgotten About Squidoo

  9. V, you do exist! I thought Elijah was imagining that you were real. I never wanted to say anything. You know? Didn’t want to rock his world. LOL!

    I know how you feel about the voice, I hated mine at first, but the more you do it the more you realize that it isn’t all bad. Besides, your voice is much better than Elijahs!!!! LOL!!!!

    Hey, is that Elijah’s song in the intro/outro of this video. It is hot!!! Good luck with all you and E are accomplishing. One day at a time and it can happen!

    Peace to the Ninjas!

    Freddies last blog post..Goal Setting Sunday: Week 7

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