Fact: An Alpaca Could Make Money Doing This…

Shit – I really lost track on keeping the Passive Income Project posts up to date with my actual site, so let me be the first to apologize!

The videos haven’t been canceled, just temporarily postponed while I’m paying off some debts and expanding a couple of partnerships in the offline SEO market.  One of the reasons I am so busy serves as the topic of this particular rant…


Rather than write out a long post, I typed up a quick start PDF that will take you through step by step on the mindset and tools needed to make money using this method.  This is the absolute real deal, and If you’re not taking advantage of others peoples services and market demand, you’re missing out on an easy way to make hands off money using your computer and a comfortable pair of pajamas.

Click HERE to download my little money making report.

If you’re familiar with this method and would like to elaborate on what I’ve laid out, please share your expertise below!



2 thoughts on “Fact: An Alpaca Could Make Money Doing This…”

  1. @Jane – Don’t think I mentioned it being passive, but it can be fairly hands off – especially with outsourcing. I disagree with not being able to retire soon, as that depends entirely on the market, service and price point.

    Thinking outside the box is all that matters. It’s all about leverage!
    .-= Elijah´s last blog ..Fact: An Alpaca Could Make Money Doing This… =-.

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