Doing What You Love: Lego Matrix Madness

This awesome image courtesy of chaosfish1 on Flickr.comWhen you think about doing what you love, and the possibility of that being a salary-providing career, most people feel all warm and tingly inside.  And rightfully so – making money doing what you love is the ultimate information-age freedom dream.  The problem most people face is the lack of confidence in the fact that there are other people out there who would find thier information, product or service valuable.

Doing what you love ulimate example #1:  Lego Motherfuckin’ Matrix

I was over visiting Adii Rockstar, one of the founders of WooThemes, and he recently posted up a video that solidifies the exact meaning of being creative and monetizing your passions.  I don’t even know the whole story on the creators of this awesome display of awesomeness, but there’s one thing I do know – it’s frigging awesome.

Fellow blog readers… meet Lego Matrix.

Lego Matrix… meet our blog readers.

You absolutely must watch this video as well, just to see how accurate these guys were.

Visit for more videos and stuff…


Tonight I have a date with Rob Zombie and Jack Daniels…



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