An Adsense Virgin No More

This might not be gigantic news to all you dot-com early birds who jumped on the train in the early to mid 90’s –  especially those of you who are making $4000/month off 372 crappy looking websites with really bad formatting and brutally scaled background images that haven’t been updated in 7 years.  I’m not hating, I’m just saying…

I got my first Adsense payment today!

It was totally by surprise as I was under the impression that I would be getting  a cheque (Canadian spelling)  in the mail.  Not that I was disappointed to see a direct depost, but I was kind of hoping for the cheque so I could take a picture ($130) and make it famous like Shoemoney.

Wanna see?


Anyways… I just wanted to share this moment with you guys, and also permanently place it on the Internet so I can always go back and revisit the sense of accomplishment I’m feeling at this exact moment.

The funniest thing about my Adsense earnings is that they only took off once I started flipping websites.  What does website flipping have to do with making money from Google Adsense?  Well, a nice chunk (almost all) of the people who buy websites online seem to overlook changing the affiliate links over to their own – despite instructional emails, documentation and follow-up reminders.  And because most of my niche sites involve heavy keyword research, and targeted domains – the traffic usually comes knocking within a week after the first article is published.

Pretty interesting, right?

All in all – my first Adsense payment is really motivating me to grow my Adsense portfolio and spend more time studying different techniques for optimal CTR.  I’m actually quite excited!



20 Questions With A.J. From

As you guys know, I’ve been kicking some serious ass on the forums in the last few months – and like blogging, you meet some pretty inspiring people when cruising around.

One day, no different than any other, I was floating around the WarriorForum checking out some article prices, studying the latest sales copy from popular WSO’s and pretty much clicking anything that caught my attention (this was during some free time I had).

I came across a pretty awesome post by a chap named A.J. who gave a lengthy overview on the importance of value in any sales transaction or business relationship – and it really caught my attention.  With that being said, you know I didn’t hesitate to compliment the great information and add my own 2 cents (which turned into $1.37) in hopes of sparking the existing thread into higher conversation.

Shortly after, I received a PM from A.J. saying that he read my reply and was very impressed by my use of the English language and wanted to know if I was interested in letting him do a guest post on the most awesome blog on the Internet, this one of course.  I replied with “that’s sounds great, but…. you must agree to be my next 20 questions victim, because my regular readers won’t open arms to some random guest post – as it’s never been done before!  If they can get to know you first, which they will after reading your interview, than they will have your back 100% when you put forth a super useful guest post – and if you suck, they will mail you flaming bags of dog poop.”

Anyways, that’s the backdrop on how A.J. and I hooked up!  He’s an awesome chap from the U.K. who is making some serious moves in the world of affiliate marketing with he upcoming ninja launch – and as many of us still struggle to find that groove with affiliate based marketing, I thought it would be amazing to introduce you guys to A.J. rather than keeping all his knowledge and connections to myself.

Without further ado I give you 20 Questions With A.J. from

1.  Who are you and what do you do?

I’m AJ and I am an affiliate marketer and web publisher, which came about from me messing around and trying to make money online. I was always trying to make money as a school kid and even started a real offline design business when I was around 17 – I didn’t know a thing and only ever had 2 clients – it was a huge flop. Today, it’s 11 years later and things are very different, thankfully.

2.  In 37,693 words or less describe how you made your first profit on the Internet.

Unlike many other people I know, I actually got started off with making good money online by selling my own product, and not as an affiliate. It was around 2002, and I was still trying to re-live a piece of my childhood and was looking for a rare street fighter game. I asked around on a few forums and was pointed towards someone who was selling it on eBay. And that’s where I became involved with selling stuff online.

I would buy dvd’s from a discount website and people would buy them at full price on eBay. I’d make a tiny profit on each sale, and I’d be working my ass off, keeping track of orders and running to the post office every day etc. But I did it because I needed the money.

At the same time I noticed people selling information about how to receive free electrical promo items.

I had no idea that such a thing existed. So I bought a few of the products and I realised that they were pretty much selling the same type of information – but it was sketchy and the buyer needed to do a lot of the work themselves.

So I decided to do some research and put together my own package and sell it onwards. This was in the days when eBay used a payment service called BillPoint, and Paypal was a competitor. I started making more and more sales and putting up more and more auctions. Before I knew it, I was making a full time salary while working 1 hour a day from home, whilst still attending uni. I put my uni on hold though, to concentrate on my business, and I haven’t gone back. I hope I do one day though.

3.  I’ve noticed that you have a good reputation in the Warrior Forum. Through your experience, what would you say is the stupidest thing/thread you’ve ever read?

The thing with forums is that you have to be very careful about who you take advice from. It’s important to remember that forums are public places and yes, there are many people that can give amazing advice. But at the same time, the majority of people are probably learners and non-do’ers. And when you are new and getting advice from an armchair theorist who’s never been out there doing it for real, it can be a massive problem, because you’re basically getting crappy advice.

One of the stupidest things I keep reading is about how affiliate marketing is a big waste and it’s much better to have your own products. There’s a lot more to having your own product then people think. You’ve got the customer service, the website creation, the sales copy, the sales funnel, the promo materials, the marketing, the constant tweaking of all the above AND you have to spend ages making a product that is really good as well. I know this first hand because I actually have products on sale, and I only get involved when I know I can provide the user with something really useful – with zero theory.

Affiliate marketing is much more simpler – bish bash bosh. You can be in multiple markets and be doing well within 30 days. And the earnings are unlimited – you can always make more money by finding a new promo, instead of being tied to a single product and wondering how you can sell more of it.

4.  Give me a brief description of your home office?

My home office is actually fairly simple and messy as I’m just realising, as I look around right now! The first thing you’d notice is that I have a dual screen set up because I find it’s more productive for me. I also have a stack of books and manuals I’ve collected over the years, which I am always referring to. And a few 4 inch batman figurines which I use as paper weights. I also have an apple which I’ve been meaning to eat. Oh, I also see my goal list for 2009 on my desk. This is a stack of 5 sticky notes which have my top 5 goals for 2009 on them. Setting goals is really important I think.

5.  Have you ever blogged naked?

Hmmn. Probably. Or if not, it’s fairly regular for me to be shaving in the bathroom and have an idea that I can use in my business. So I am always running out of the bathroom in my boxer shorts and jumping in to my computer seat to type away frantically, so I don’t forget the idea I’ve just had! Haha! I know it sounds really stupid, but people who are around me simply ignore it, because I’m just one of these crazy guys who does random stuff like that!

6.  If you could have 15 minutes with any successful businessman, woman, or celebrity animal, who would it be and why?

Well I once went to Disneyland and had my picture taken with Mickey Mouse – he was real nice. Does that count!?!

When it comes to business, I like Michael Masterson and the stuff he talks about. The guy has clearly been through a lot in business and knows what you need to do in order for a business to be successful.

7.  Early bird, evening owl, or midnight stalker?

Oh man, I’m a midnight stalker going into early bird hours. This is not a joke, the past few days, I’ve been up til 6am and 7am, working through the night. Sometimes if I’m on a roll then I just let it out. I’ll sit here editing the sales funnel and configuring the testing software so that while I’m sleeping a particular site will be receiving traffic and creating results. Then when I wake up, I can see the results straight away. If I wait till the next morning to set up the tracking, then I wont be getting any results while I’m sleeping – that’s how I my mind works.

I think it’s a lot easier for me to do stuff like this though, because I work from home full time and I’m always out partying late on the weekends, so it fits in with my body schedule. If I had a full time job I’d never be able to pull a stunt like that, so I’m actually really thankful.

8.  Do you own any vinyl records? If so, which album is your favorite?

To be completely honest with you, I have only ever owned one vinyl record in my entire life. And even that one was a free promo, which I got off a cereal box. It was that teenage mutant ninja turtle song with ya kid k! The first ever album I bought was on tape and it was called ‘Simpsons sing the Blues’ and cost me (or should I say my dad) about $16! How embarrassing!

9. In your opinion, name 3 tools, services or bribery methods that are necessary to becoming successful at affiliate marketing.

Okay, well first of all, it’s really important to stand out as an affiliate. If there’s 20 people all promoting the exact same thing, and you’re person number 21, why should I buy with you instead of someone else? That’s a very important issue to overcome, from the get go, and I actually focus on this inside Affiliate Justice. For example, today many people offer a bonus or a bribe to get someone to buy through their affiliate link. And that’s all good, but there are ways in which you can take that even further. You can extract the value from the bonus you provide and actually gear it more towards the main product you’re promoting. The better you are at this, the more products you’ll sell and the more money you’ll make.

Another important area is when using PPC, don’t only focus on Google. Yes they might provide you with more volume but Google doesn’t always provide the best quality buyer. Test with other search engines. Even if you only use Yahoo and MSN, at least give it a try and then keep an eye on your profits, and which keywords are profitable for you. And if you’re not using ppc, at least track to see where people are coming from, and how much they are worth to you.

Finally, remember that ROI is not the most important statistic – profit is. A lot of people make this mistake and end up focusing all their energy on promoting the wrong statistic. I would rather spend $50 to make a profit of $50 and have a decent ROI instead of spending $1 to make $10 and have an insanely high ROI. Sure a high ROI is nice to have, but in the example I just gave you, $50 is more cash – a larger profit. You can do more with $50 instead of $10. Yes, I understand it’s different if you don’t have $50 to start with. But in that case you simply make $10 5 times, and then work on the $50 model!

To me, there is nothing more important then the amount of actual real full dollars you can return. The more the merrier!

10. When’s the last time you ate cheese whiz?

I live in the UK, and actually had to look up what cheese whiz was! We don’t really get over here but we have something similar which is a cheese spread called Dairylea. The last time I ate that was like a year or two ago – it’s been ages.

11. Did your mom ever cut your hair as a kid? My mother destroyed mine.

Yes even worse – both my mum and my dad cut my hair together, with some electric clippers. I can remember them, partly being in shock and partly finding it hilarious because of how uneven my hair was.

12. When it comes to making money online, do you believe in magic buttons?

I don’t believe in magic buttons, but there are certain frameworks and certain tactics that I know will work for sure and will generate affiliate commissions. I actually give one of these away on the Affiliate Justice homepage because I wanted people to benefit from a real affiliate tactic, even if they just visited the page. The reason I know this is a working affiliate tactic is because I use them myself. And that’s the type of stuff I’m about – real working material with zero theory.

13. Robin Williams, Robin Leech or Batman and Robin?

Batman rocks, ever since I was a kid. Like I said earlier, I have Batman stuff in my home office. I actually was interested in buying a 6ft high version of a carving, but it wasn’t in the style I like. In case anyone is wondering, the style I really like is the Batman ‘Hush’.

14. How important is value with regards to attracting customers online?

Value is number one. There is nothing more important than value and that goes whether you are an affiliate market, a product owner, a graphic designer or anyone who wants money.  The amount of value you provide and the number of people you provide it to, is directly related to how much money you have in your bank account. The more value you provide, the more money you will have. Think about rich people you know of or even famous rich people, and you’ll see what I mean.

15. To be, or not to be. Is that really the question?

No. The real question today, is think about who you want to be, then think about how you would be that person, then do what the person would do and hey presto, you’ve become the person you wanted to be!

16. What are some of your absolute favorite affiliate networks right now?

I usually work with Clickbank because they are a network providing digital products, which means the percent of commission which you earn is very high compared to physical goods.

I also have a deal with a private UK clearing house, which provides loans and debt management services for people in the UK. This is huge are for experienced players, and you can make a lot of money by only being a small fish.

I have also set up private deals with product owners where I will buy an item from them and see what their services like. If it’s a decent product and they are a good company, then I will e-mail them and tell them what I do, and then ask them if they are interested in more sales. Of course they will reply and say yes, and I will set up a deal with them. I have also taken a regular product, then positioned it as a premium product and sold it for more money than the original company does (where the company drop ships the item for me and sends all invoices to me).

If you have a little imagination, you can do anything you want to.

17. In 676 words or less explain why most people fail to generate profits online.

Most people are just not expecting to get kicked in the mouth as many times as they will. Yes, I understand it’s not a nice experience to get kicked around online and mess things up, but it will happen, and when it does you have to learn to live with the temporary discomfort until you get it right. Not a lot of people want to do it, but the will to keep on going will get you anything you want in life, in most cases (I’m talking a better body, dates with the hottest girls and all the good stuff and more)!

18. Do you think eating dirt as a child will cause any serious side effects later on in life?

I certainly hope not, because I have it on good authority from my mother that when she used to leave me alone as a kid in the garden, she would come back to find me with a mouthful of mud, and crap from the grass all in my hands. When I asked what she used to do about it, she laughed and said ‘I used to beat you up’!

19. Star Wars or Spaceballs?

Spaceballs all the way. I’d rather laugh then do anything else – always. Ok well almost always…

20. Why did you accept this interview?

Because I thought it would be fun – and it has been! I’ve actually laughed out loud when putting together some of these answers! You didn’t come across as a boring type of guy, and when you said this wouldn’t be any old interview; I wanted to do it even more!

And the other reason is thought it would be nice for people to see a different side of me. I’m usually talking about marketing or affiliate marketing and generally a lot of business and profit related stuff. So I hope that this interview today, has let you see a different side of me, and lets you know that I’m just a regular guy, who wakes up late, has a messy office and a crazy sense of humour. Believe me when I tell you, if I can make it in affiliate marketing, you can DEFINITELY make it in affiliate marketing.

CPA Offers And Offline Marketing


For those of you who are unaware, Toronto is a massive metropolis – to the likes of New York or Chicago. When I was still working a shitty cubicle-bound day job, I would ride the subway to and from work on a daily basis, and during this ride it’s common, almost ritualistic, for the commuting gerbils to pick up a free copy of the local paper we have here called the Metro. Now more than often I go straight to the business/financial section, peruse through some classifieds and continue on to my daily horoscope on the second last page – and this is where I was struck with an “outside the box” moment…

Newspapers are slowly dying…

Let me get right to the point – every town, city and county has several free local newspapers which all survive off of the advertising revenue they receive. In a city like Toronto, the Metro paper gets into the hands of probably half the population (3 million +) which presents a great opportunity for some prime time, low cost, creative marketing.

I went onto the Metro website and took a peak at the advertising program they have, and some of the pricing options available, and found out that I could get a reasonably size block on the front page for less than $50/week – are you kidding me?? I found this to be absolutely scalable, and well worth a trial run.

Here’s the plan…

Grab 1 or 2 of the more popular free local newspapers in your city or town, go to the classifieds section (usually near the back) and you should find info for advertising – usually a phone number or email address. Find out the pricing info, as well as reach for the first 3 pages of the paper.

Find a strong performing CPA offer from Neverblueads or Copeac, keeping in mind seasonal and social factors that may cause certain offers to perform better. Here’s an example of what I mean: It’s Christmas time, so you could find a dating offer and put up an ad like “Don’t Spend The Holidays Alone – Hot New Local Dating Site, Sign Up For Free!”. Another offer that might work now is targeting last minute Christmas shoppers with a free gift card, or another incentive based CPA offer and post an ad up like “Guilty Of Last Minute Shopping? Claim Your FREE $250 (enter store name) Gift Card Now! Limited Quantities Available!”

Are you getting my drift?

Many top performing CPA offers have custom landing pages available, so all you need is to grab a domain name to host it, or if permitted by your affiliate network, redirect straight to the advertisers landing page of your choice.

If you’re even half decent with Photoshop, you could make a really attractive ad in under an hour, $7 for a domain name, and if you want to take it an extra step – make some flyers that are similarly branded and post them up around busy sections of the city.

Most dating, scholarship, loan and gift card offers range from $3-$20+ payout for a simple form completion. When you look at the investment compared to potential return – one would be stupid not to take advantage of the struggling local newspapers that provide cost effective advertising options. What if that $60 translated into $400 dollars per week, would you consider that to be a sound investment? I think we all know the answer here.

Think outside the box, because each day that passes more people are getting into “online” methods of marketing, which means saturation and intense competition – especially with a platform like Adwords. By utilizing offline advertising mediums, one can cash out with minimal time and monetary effort – and after some initial testing you could have a hands off proven stream of revenue to add to your online wallet.



Are You Ready For Christmas Traffic?

Are You Ready For The Christmas Traffic?I’m not feeling 100 % sexy today as I seemed to have picked up some flu-like hitchhiker while driving carelessly through the blogosphere this week.  I’ve been thinking a lot about how I’m going to bank as an affiliate with the gravy boats full of hungry, credit card ninjas that will be shopping online this Christmas – and I’ve also been thinking about what market I’m going to focus my efforts in.

I’m excited because this will be my first Christmas “online” as an imitation money maker, and I really do want to provide some genuine resources for the shopping traffic, rather than setting up a bunch of mistletoe-domains cranked with Adsense and scraped content.  I haven’t started a list of possible avenues yet, so why not start my brainstorm right now as I’m typing this prize-winning post:

Where To Find Christmas Ideas

  • eBay’s Hot Brands section
  • Google Trends
  • Amazon
  • Your nearest shopping mall
  • Ikea
  • Your affiliate managers
  • Your kids

I’m sure you guys could have filled in the bullet points I just listed, but I don’t like assuming that everyone reading this blog already knows how to search for profitable niche markets and products.  Personally I prefer studying Amazon’s marketplace over Ebay, simply because the prices are not auctioned off and it gives me a better idea of what people are willing to spend for something “brand new” online.  You’d be surprised how much you could learn about the marketplace from your kids and the young children in your family. If anyone has a handle on what is going to be hot this Christmas, it’s them!

Once we’ve got some sort of list going on regarding products/markets, it’s time to think about how we are going to enter this market, our advertising budget (if any) and what mediums we plan to use for traffic generation. Here are a few proven methods:

Promotion Methods

  • Pay Per Click (most profitable/risky)
  • Article Marketing
  • Classified Ads (Craigslist, USFreeAds)
  • Squidoo, Hub Pages
  • Forum Marketing
  • Myspace Groups/Facebook
  • Link exchanges

I’m confident that most people within my inner circle of collaborators will be utilizing as many free methods as humanly possible, and keeping away from PPC due to lack of experience.  ***Warning – If you have never made consistent profit using Pay Per Click marketing to drive traffic to an offer, you will get eaten alive if you try to jump in during the Christmas rush! Christmas is when all the big dogs make their big money, and if you’ve only dreamed of big money, stay away from the big dogs and let them do their thing.  I really hate hearing horror stories of how somebody lost their kids college fund on PPC during Christmas… I can see it now “Merry Christmas Johnny!  I got your McDonalds application framed for you!”

Go play in traffic dad…

I’m sure you get my point.  There are TONS of free ways to generate traffic to your Christmas offers, just be unique and find those niche markets before hand – and don’t forget to make money off your friends and people you work with!  It will get more and more difficult to locate profitable keywords, or find good domain names the closer it gets to Christmas, so start to think about what you’d like to do now – and take your time to use the tactics that work for YOU, and make some money to pay for all the wonderful gifts you plan to buy for your friends and family – and if you do super well, you can even grab something indulgent for yourself!



9 Things You Need To Be Successful At Bum Marketing

9 things you need to be successful at bum marketingFor those of you who don’t know, I’m a huge fan of bum marketing – the art of making money online using completely free resources – and I’ve successfully used these techniques on and every other blog that I own and operate.  One of my favorite methods of free traffic generation and link building is article marketing because not only is it possible to write 20 articles in 20 days, like WAHM Tara’s latest challenge, it’s also amazing for developing your writing speed and research skills.

Over my 8 months of trial and error with utilizing free resources online, I’ve definitely learned a thing or two about what’s absolutely needed to be a successful bum marketer so I figured I would share some of my best tips with all you sexy people.

  1. A good house coat or robe is essential to your productivity.  Make sure it has at least two pockets for storing vital tools like the remote control and extreme cheddar flavored Gold Fish.
  2. Always have Google open in a browser window off to the side.  One of the key factors to successfully finding free resources online is your ability to research and grab those hidden gems such as free plug ins and cute little tools like SocialMarker.
  3. I always make sure I have my Spaceballs dvd ready to be played at a moments notice – taking your mind off work for 15 minutes will do wonders whenever you become overwhelmed or hit a road block.
  4. Having your peers available for brainstorming or questions always helps.  Keep 3-5 buddies on your Skype contacts list that you go to if you want a second opinion.
  5. The ability to go several days without showering or shaving will really get you into the “bum” mode.  If you can grow a beard like me, or not shave your legs for a week or two, you’ll be on your way to bum marketing super stardom in no time!
  6. You can’t expect to build your arsenal of free resources on an empty stomach.  Being able to make a grilled cheese sandwich with one hand while submitting articles with the other is the sign of a true marketing master.
  7. Practice getting things for free like pizza and beer when you’re out with your friends.  They’ll eventually assume you’re always broke and start to give you free shit without you having to ask.
  8. Make a folder in your Firefox bookmarks to store all your hardcore bum marketing tools and sites.  This will help you develop a system when you’re launching a new site or product.
  9. Purchase a handful of “generic” domain names to use for redirecting to related affiliate products from the author/resource box of your articles.  If you find a hot offer, the last thing you want to do is build a site just to test it out – write a kick ass article and load up the redirect straight to the affiliate product.



Site Flipping Madness – Bum Marketing Update 837

Hey guys.

I don’t have too much to say right now except that I’m exhausted, and would have preferred to do a video post but I can’t find the SD card for my digi cam – dammit Veronica!  Anyways, I have successfully flipped my niche blog and it is now live and active on the Sitepoint Marketplace.  I’m nervous, tired, and accomplished all in one breath.  This was a great experience and I look forward to my next flip, but first things first..

I’m going out tonight to see the Bedouin Soundclash in concert – for those of you who’ve never heard of them they are a local ska band from Toronto who rock with good vibrations.  Check them out.

Time to get drunk.

