The At Home Life: Time Management Challenges

Twenty ten!  This year is going to be huge in so many ways – and one of our first goals as a business is to spend time each week working on increasing our passive income.  After some consideration, we concluded that the only way to reach our goal is to put aside an entire day where all we do is work on our passive sites, link building, traffic etc…

We also concluded that to make this work we would need to regroup and come up with an efficient time management system for the office, as well as our personal “home” tasks.  Considering we don’t have kids or a mortgage, we still tend to bounce of the walls every now and then – and having better time management will prevent that from happening!

The video was spontaneous – and Veronica wasn’t prepared for my intrusion.



Square: The Payment Game Is About To Change For Offline Businesses

Surfing around Twitterland can be quite educational – not to mention the fact that you’re getting real time info from some of the webs most influential movers and shakers.  Keeping this in mind, I stumbled accross a tweet from Kevin Rose, who was replying to Jim (creator of Twitter) about a website called

As an entrepreneur, one of the biggest challenges faced is implementing a transparent, efficient and accurate payment gateway.  In the world of offline business – where physical products and interaction are the name of the game – this becomes even more crucial.  Enter Square: A new technology which allows business owners to accept card-based payments directly from a mobile device – so long as it has an audio jack.

I can’t even begin to describe the feeling running through my veins right now.  Not that I would ever have any use for their products and services, as 100% of my business is virtual and online, but that’s besides the point.

I am a junkie for innovation, creativity and overall awesomeness – and I am officially (with zero credibility) claiming Square to be the most groundbreaking start up for 2010.

I have a really good feeling about these guys!

Please head over to Square and see for yourself.



Doing What You Love: Lego Matrix Madness

This awesome image courtesy of chaosfish1 on Flickr.comWhen you think about doing what you love, and the possibility of that being a salary-providing career, most people feel all warm and tingly inside.  And rightfully so – making money doing what you love is the ultimate information-age freedom dream.  The problem most people face is the lack of confidence in the fact that there are other people out there who would find thier information, product or service valuable.

Doing what you love ulimate example #1:  Lego Motherfuckin’ Matrix

I was over visiting Adii Rockstar, one of the founders of WooThemes, and he recently posted up a video that solidifies the exact meaning of being creative and monetizing your passions.  I don’t even know the whole story on the creators of this awesome display of awesomeness, but there’s one thing I do know – it’s frigging awesome.

Fellow blog readers… meet Lego Matrix.

Lego Matrix… meet our blog readers.

You absolutely must watch this video as well, just to see how accurate these guys were.

Visit for more videos and stuff…


Tonight I have a date with Rob Zombie and Jack Daniels…



Fact: Hip Hop Improves Copywriting Skills

This awesome image courtesy of iammeltron on Flickr.comI’ve been doing tons of copy writing lately – for my own launches and promotional landing pages for clients – and one thing I’ve noticed is that I’ve always had a natural gift for putting words together.  Sure this isn’t exactly a skill that I’ve been trained in, but it’s becoming more a more apparent that my background in songwriting and music has come 360 and into my writing abilities.

Out of the various types of writing that I’ve dipped in and out of since I was 11, writing rhymes for hip hop tracks has proved to be the most beneficial.  A little history on me and hip hop… When I was around 13, Wu Tang Clan was the shit.  The way these guys would put words and scenarios together was absolutely unheard of at the time – not to mention that there were 9 of them, residing from various boroughs across New York and at least half of them didn’t graduate from high school.  Wu Tang Clan as a group was themed very  much around the old kung fu movies of the 70’s, constantly using samples and references in their tracks.

This is when I started writing rhymes…

Moving forward to the present time, I am 100% convinced that all the years of writing lyrical rhymes directly fuel my ability to be creative and comfortable when putting words together.  Here’s what I mean:

Good copy should…

  • have a rhythm when reading it
  • create visuals for the reader
  • have clever headlines
  • relate to the reader
  • cause the reader to take action

Hip Hop lyrics should…

  • be rhythmic and on beat
  • create visuals for the listener
  • have clever punchlines
  • relate to the listener
  • keep the listener listening

Some people might think I’m losing it, but I think I’m on to something here!

Just to clarify for the listeners and non-listeners of hip hop music, I’m not referring to the audile bile that is rotated on the idiot box and radio.  Real hip hop.  Lyrical hip hop.  This is what I’m talking about:



Elijah’s Idiot-Free Halloween Guide For 2009

This awesome image courtesy of sictransitgloria on Flickr.comThis Halloween will actually be the first time in probably 5 years that I’ve actually dressed up and went “out”.  I’m still not sure why I’ve decided to make an effort this year, but I think it has something to do with getting older and trying to feel younger… is it sad that I’m 28 and already attempting to recapture my youth?

All things aside, Hallows Eve has changed significantly since I was a child.  Back in the 80’s it was all about garbage bags full of candy; the more we could get the better.  My sister Jasmine and I would have two costumes prepared some years… making a double pass around our 5 storey apartment complex and across the street throughout our grandmothers hood.  I’m not even kidding, one year we had so much candy that it had to  be kept in our closet… and for almost 6 months that closet had a half foot floor of caramelized sugar and wax-based wrappers.

It truly is a beautiful thing when executed correctly…

In the spirit of all things ghastly and ghoulish, I figured I would share some insight towards making this years Halloween one to remember.  Whether you’re taking the kids out for the first time or have tossed your inhibitions and decided to go  make a fool of yourself among your middle-aged peers, I’m positive you’ll find my tips resourceful.

If you’re a male between the ages of 25 and 50 and haven’t participated in Halloween festivities for at least 10 years, please strongly consider the following:

  • You are not hallucinating.  Hooker nurses and slutty school girls are considered to be costumes by the current generation.  Though much of the luscious eye candy may seem to be old enough – sporting their fish net stockings and glittery cleavage – chances are they are 16 and drink a lot of milk.  Don’t touch, don’t tip, don’t talk.
  • Be sure your costume fits.  Whether you’re taking out the toddlers or attending a pumpkin-themed office party, make an effort to find a costume that is “comfortable”.  What I’m actually trying to say is don’t be dressing up as your favorite Bee Gee with some skin tight grape smugglers.  Though a healthy bulge was once a sign of fertility and prowess, it will now get you 10-15 years without parole if you accidentally “bump” into someone.
  • Go easy on the candy.  There was a time when we could eat pounds of sugary goodness and do back-flips off bed posts.  These days are gone.  If you’re going to be drinking any sort of amber colored liquor named after a Mr. Daniels, hold back on the single serving candy consumption.  Rainbow vomit is for sick unicorns, not grown men.

If you’re a female between the ages of 25 and 50 and haven’t participated in Halloween festivities for at least 10 years, please strongly consider the following:

  • Halloween is not fantasy time. Just because you’re “barely” hiding behind some wig and push up bra, this does not give you a full out invitation to become a role playing woman-of-the-pole.  You are not Lady Gaga.  Be classy, be smart and more importantly, don’t be a dirty hooker.  YouTube is a cell phone away and real strippers will run laps around you.  Keep your fantasies in the bedroom.
  • Try to avoid fetish parties.  Don’t get me wrong, if this is your thing and you’ve had prior experience – this tip is not meant for you.  But as stated above, if you haven’t done the whole “Halloween” thing for quite some time, attending a fetish party will scar you.  Not only will Thanksgiving dinner with the family will never be the same, but you’ll probably end up in a corner somewhere sucking a penis-shaped lollipop – veins included.
  • Listen to your kids.  This applies to many different areas.  If your daughter says Mrs. Grimsby’s candy sucks, it probably does.  If your son tells you that you’re embarrassing him, you probably are.  If little John Jr. says his cape is too tight and he can’t breathe, loosen it.  If 15 year old Sophia says that Mitchel’s parents will be there to supervise the party, they probably will (not).

October 31st has been an idiot-fueled ocassion for centuries.  I hope my observations will prove useful towards a successful and memorable Halloween for you and yours.

I do have one last tip for all of the committed couples of the world:  douche-bag doctor and naughty nurse is probably the worst couple costume in the history of this ancient celtic celebration.  Be creative, because if you’re not I will find pictures and I will put my internet marketing skills to use.

And you’ll probably end up getting featured on the Ellen Degeneres Show – in a bad way.

9 Reasons Why I Love Black Hat Forums

This awesome image courtesy of Albita on Flickr.comOh no!  Elijah’s gone to the darkside.  Stop freaking out.  I’m sitting in front of my lap top, not on a starship.

I’m about to go to bed – and as I do often – end my day off with a cruise around the cracks and crevices of internet marketing forums and their interesting inhabitants.  I’ve met some of the most interesting people in forums and I absolutely love how in a split second a thread can go from good to great or bad to suicidal.  I guess forums are kind of like my soap operas.

Anyways – Black Hat Marketing Techniques – some people use em, most people don’t.  Those that do usually make insane, short bursts of money.  The turnaround is much faster and the risk is much greater.  It can definitely be exciting.  If you’re wondering whether or not I’ve ever made money with Black Hat, in short, yes.  I find it great for beer money – as you can see above.

Now even though the Warrior Forum is lurking with guru wannabe’s and special offers, I always find myself attracted to the underground message boards.  I’ve learned some great stuff on White Hat forums over the years, but nothing compares to the innovation I’ve encountered when tip toeing over to the other side of the lawn.

I absolutely love Black Hat Forums – and here’s why:

  1. They are less stuffy – and a lot more comical (sometimes twisted).  I enjoy this.
  2. They are huge on sharing.  I’m sorry, but even if I had the money to waste, I wouldn’t pay $997 for a digital product.  It’s just not happening.  You can get the latest and greatest ebooks, courses, scripts and methods for free.  Always be sure to support if something has made you money.  I have had the entire woo themes library cracked for a year, yet as soon as I had some money to spend I started purchasing developer licenses for the themes I already have – just to be legit and show mad love.
  3. One of the main purposes of Black Hat is to cut corners, be steath and automate as much as possible.  Though I wouldn’t try half of the major techniques, learning about them really helps me to be innovative in my White Hat ventures.
  4. Black Hatters are always willing to lend a hand, and can be at times less judgmental.  Forums are all about authority, clout and respect.  I’ve contacted the owner of one particular BH forum several times with honest CPA related questions and he’s given me some really great feedback.
  5. You see more and more young kids in Black Hat forums.. I mean 15 year olds who are banking $5000/month.  This is an interesting spot to be in, especially when you can get a glimpse of how the younger generation is viewing internet marketing techniques, and what they bring to the table (considering this is their era).
  6. Black Hatter’s tend to be a little more compu-savvy.  They’re great for getting design, html and coding tutorials/answers.  Need to do a meta refresh?  Black Hat forums will help you out.
  7. From a personal standpoint.. if I had to hats in front of me and needed to put on one for a portrait of some sort, I would – without hesitation – put on the Black Hat.  Johnny Cash wore black hats… pffft.
  8. Money making methods are free.  Where you’d be paying $17 for a WSO, you’d never have to pay money for a method in the Black Hat forums.  It’s actually common courtesy to post up a method if it has worked for you.
  9. Most Black Hat forums have White Hat sections – and 90% of the time, the White Hat techniques are leaps and bounds more lucrative compared to their cousins in the real White Hat forums.

Anyways – all in all – being open minded towards all methods and mediums of business is essential.  Lots of people think Black Hat is about scamming people and ripping people off.. and sometimes it is!  But the amount of methods which fall into that category are pretty minimal.

If you’re really interested in scaling up your business a bit or need some creative juices for a new idea, just type in “blackhat forum” into Google and you’ll find exactly what you need.

If you’d like to do some reading, I’ve taken a few minutes and compiled a bunch of documents which I’ve directly profited from at one point or another.  These are all “grey hat” techniques, minus 1 or 2, that take no time to set up and could potentially make you money within 2-3 days… sometimes within 24 hours!  I am not the author of any of these methods, I’m merely passing them on to you so you can make some money too.

Here’s the link – all you have to do is donate something.  No set amount, whatever you feel like throwing my way.

Think about this for a second – who’s really Black Hat here?  The search engines who can see into your front window?  Or a bunch of ambitious people in a forum who’re trying to avoid being “seen”?  Stick that one in your pipe and smoke it.

