25 Things About Elijah That You Might Not Know

During my weekly webinars with Roy Montero and the iWomen gang, we’ve been discussing ways to utilize a “things you don’t know about me” page to get more personal with your readers, subscribers and people on your list.  I’ve also been following the video skills of my friend Joe – and how he woos his audience with style and grace every single day using the power of video (much thanks on hooking me up with the mogul ninja stance).

Taking all of this into consideration, I’ve realized that even though I have done some video for this site – I haven’t really been myself.  I’m now feeling an urge to let loose and show you guys who I really am in hopes that it will improve our relationship, and give you more of an insight into the mind of Elijah, and what I’m all about.  The video is about 15 minutes long – but I promise if you watch the entire thing you won’t be disappointed.

I’d love to know a couple things about you guys – feel free to share anything you’d like.



15 thoughts on “25 Things About Elijah That You Might Not Know”

  1. Dude!!!!! This joint was freakin hilarious! I literally was laughing, there are not many videos I laugh at. Freaking mayo and pb wit some choco milk!

    Dude, where pretty much the same height lol…and Uhh…I got mad records, wore skate shoes for a spell ( though now it’s strictly timberlands lol) We are freakin brothers man! hahahaha, this was so on point!

    I loved every minute of it, your humor is outstanding! Keep it up…we need to do a video together somehow!


  2. Hah! I knew those weren’t really pajama bottoms! 🙂

    And I don’t see what’s so sick about beating people with peanut butter and mayonnaise filled pillowcases? I do it all the time… Or, at least on Sundays.

    Excellent vid, but there’s no way I’m going to remember them all to piece out which ones I believed and which ones I didn’t. I only know that when the ones I didn’t believe popped up, it made me question the ones that I thought were real. Until you stated that it was a mashup, anyway.

    I do have to question the Elijah-Blue thing, however, as I have trouble believing that there are two Elijah-Blue’s in the world (assuming Cher’s son is still around).

    WordVixens last blog post..Make Money From Your Twitter Account

  3. @ Joe – You were sort of a source of inspiration for the whole get up.. I saw you with your ML hat and tie, and I started digging in the closet.. That’s Veronica’s beenie, sunglasses, and a ragged ass trinidad scarf my uncle gave me one year… I was sweating like heck the entire time..

    @ WordVix – They are pj bottoms (wearing them in bed as im typing this) and Elijah-Blue is really my first name… 🙂

    @ Paul – Hey bro! I was hoping someone from the group would watch all the way through and catch that moment in internet history.. Veronica was like, huh? all I could do was reply “it’s a roy thing”

  4. My oh my, Elijah Blue… loved it all. The only 10% I’d choose to question might be your stated height.

    Regardless, you have ‘virtual stature’ in my world. Tell your heart-mate Veronica that I ’bout lost my lunch when you were speaking about having made her up. THAT, my friend, would be a true tragedy.

    Go forth and conquer,

  5. @Q – The height is true my friend 🙂

    @SuiteJ – Awesome man, I didn’t think anyone would catch that.. you’ve got a sharp eye! Trebas was awesome.. worth every penny, and that story about me pissed drunk bailing down an escalator – it was after a trebas pub night, and it’s completely true!

    @Joe – That was all for you man.. all for you 🙂

  6. Elijah,
    Cool video, love the shades! They were pretty dope! HA HA
    I will make sure if you ever come to town to hide my pillowcases!

    As far as what ones were not real, that’s a hard one. I will take a stab at you being the only light skin one in the family? I am thinking if that was for real, you would have shown a pic…. Am I right?

    Work At Home Mom Taras last blog post..Affiliate Program Rundown

  7. It’s actually true – my mother is from Trinidad, and I was raised by her side of the family, and I usually am the only white person in family photos…

    🙂 I’ll get some pictures up for sure!

    I think it’s great that you said “dope” because I use that word everyday.. I also enjoy using the word “ill” as another form of expression…

    That video was pretty ill!

    Elijahs last blog post..How The Rich Stay Rich: An Internet Marketing Reality Check

  8. Ok.,.. So I was off on that one… HMMM not sure what it could be then, unless that horrid combo you have for sandwich may be it? LOL

    Oh I have allot of cool words I love to use, just do not get to use them often. LOL Many of my blog readers are more of the…What’s the word…maybe “politically correct”, so I try to refrain from using some of the language I would use if I was talking to someone I can relate with a bit more.

    By all means, I am myself on my blog, but I am more reserved for the sake of appealing to all of my readers.

    I think if some of my readers knew I had pink streaks in my hair and an ear ring in my nose, they would probably drop dead and never listen to me again. LOL

    Work At Home Mom Taras last blog post..Affiliate Program Rundown

  9. Lol, you absolutely have to cater your content to your reader base. Fortunately for myself, and for you, It appears I’m allowed to swear and talk about scotch on our blog… so everyone can be completely honest and themselves..

    I have a nose ring as well.. 🙂

    Elijahs last blog post..Stop Being Afraid And Start Making Money

  10. Ok, so this is the first time seeing this post!

    A metal band huh, and you never told me! Any songs floating around out there? Would be interested in hearing them.

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